Second Emulation

Deciphering 'Next': The Journey of a Time-Bending Magician

August 19, 2023 Shawn Juarez Episode 43

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Ever dreamt of seeing two minutes into your future? Imagine being a magician with this unique ability, embroiled in a cat and mouse chase with the FBI and European villains. That's the intriguing premise we unravel as we journey back to 2007 in our latest episode. Join us as we unpack 'Next,' featuring the enigmatic Nicholas Cage, who stars as the lead, juggling his power, a potential romance, and staying alive. Listen in as we reflect on our fond memories of the film, how it squared with Cage's other releases like Ghost Rider and National Treasure, and discuss how our hero's choices impact the future.

Fasten your seatbelts for a deeper dive into the narrative. We question the plot's limitations, the controversial idea of fate, and dissect the crucial scenes that left us yearning for more. We invite you to our roundtable debate on the seemingly unbelievable two-minute time limit Cage's character operates within and his questionable techniques to win over Liz's heart. We bring to light our theories about the bewildering ending and speculation on potential sequels. So, tune in, and let's dissect 'Next' together on this fascinating cinematic journey.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Second Emulation, the podcast that explores all things pop culture, from movies and TV shows to the latest anime releases. Join us as we dive into the world of entertainment, sharing our thoughts, opinions and insights on the latest trends and releases, with a focus on what's hot and what's not. We are your go-to source for all things pop culture, so sit back, relax and let's get started.


I'd like to welcome you back to this journey of knit cage playing multiple thin characters in this universe that he's cultivated over the years. The movie that we decided to watch this time is next, and a little bit about this film is that knit cage plays a magician, and a magician who has the ability to see the future. Now, the weird thing is, god has graced him with the ability of foresight, but not for anyone else's future, but only for himself, and he's handicapped because he can only see two minutes of his own future.


Yeah, it's only two minutes into the future.


And so he's been living his life like making. I guess you can say like a choose your own adventure. Anytime he's made a mistake, or choose the path, he would always just reset and decide what do you want to do? So the premise of this is that the FBI has caught on and they want to use knit cage to prevent a terrorist attack Nuclear bomb, fire terrorist group.




And so they want to utilize him to fight to stop this. And the whole premise of the movie is knit cage dodging the FBI not wanting to help them and them tracking him down. And at the same time we got the villains, who happen to be European, who also want to track knit cage down and take him out because they're also under the impression that he's the only one who could stop them from detonating this bomb and in between all of that, he's falling in love with Jessica Biel.


Correct. So this was a very, again, weird and unique movie, which is not much to say about all the other films you watched.


They were also weird and unique, and the premise is definitely interesting, but it also came out in 2007. So it wasn't that long ago. It was 16 years ago and had Jessica Biel when she was like near her prime no, after her prime when she was trying to get into the movie acting like she was in a Texas Chainsaw Massacre and all that stuff around this time, and so this was her living like being a movie star and but being in this movie within a cage, which it's definitely a plot I film. Misled because it said a few minutes into the future, but he can only see two minutes into the future.


Yeah, and also around this time there were other films that came out around this time, so we had so this movie had to compete with. We had the boom of another Nicholas Cage movie at the same time Ghost Rider.


Oh yeah, that's right.


That he was in and also National Treasure.


The second one yeah, oh, wow. Book and.


Secret around the same time.


He was flying high. I didn't realize he was in so many movies at one time back then.


So like 2007 was like the year for Nick Cage, he was in multiple movies.


I guess it was. I guess it was.


So he was flying high in his era. But yeah, this was also weird because 2007 we were around high school.


Yeah, we were in our peak teen years, nearing the end of high school. It was one year before Obama was elected as president. Yeah, we were in high school and this came out. I don't know if we watched it when it first came out. I think it again. The concept is interesting and it makes you interested, but then there, yeah, it just as it goes on. We can get into that part later. Did you have any favorite scenes in the movie?


I think yeah. So one of my favorite scenes Now I guess the favorite scene is where Nicholas Cage is Chris Johnson slash Frank Cadillac. He has two different aliases. One is his magician name that he uses when he's in Vegas, but when he explains how his ability works, that it's just he. It's almost like final destination for him, like he can only see, interpret things based on events around him that only happen to him directly and not anyone else. So any decision that he makes that affects him directly, he can see an altar for two minutes. So every choice he makes has a direct outcome and if he doesn't like that outcome, he can then alter it and choose a different path and it's only for him. So we see that play out and it's very interesting because he you see it happen.


There's a scene in the casino where he's gambling. He's obviously you can tell he's using his quote unquote ability slash gifts, but he's not betting high, he's not betting low, he's essentially just being like average. When you know any one of us who we have, we would go and just try to clean house, and so when that happens, he's being monitored and the people who are monitoring are like wondering why he's not betting, because they see him come in multiple times, they know like he obviously has a system. So they're aware that he either is counting cards but he's betting low, and so they're like there's something going on. And so when he goes to the cash out he encounters an individual and he sees it before it happens that the person is going to rob the place and he stops it. Or he sees like the person shoot up the place and then two minutes rewind and he stops it. Then all of a sudden the cops give chase. They think he's involved.


They're always suspicious.


They're always suspicious, so like that kind of like sets up this chain of events for him and he should just left things alone and just went on his business and he tells himself, like anytime he gets involved, never be a hero, because every action he creates there's always a consequence or another action as a result, so you shouldn't try to change fate.


Yeah, there's a reaction.


There's a reaction, so I thought that was pretty interesting. Plus his hair, like his hair wasn't doing wild.


I don't know if he's wearing a wig. I'm assuming that's grown his own homegrown hair his own homegrown hair because his widow, peak, is fierce. But also there's just like something about his hair. It doesn't like move. Naturally I don't know what's happening within the movie, but it's definitely it's. It's something. It's something that you see.


But when you know, things are caught up to him. We're given this impression there that they were more like him. Who knows if that's true, that if it there were, there'd be no reason for the FBI to be chasing him.




So he made the impression that people like him are always captured and if it's not one thing, that he would never see the light of day. And I think World War II, during the whole psychic training that Hitler was doing and we were trying to do like Mental, psychic wars, things like that, I think that might have been a reference to that, but yeah, it was just he alluded to that. There may have been others like him, but we don't know. But yeah, he was just very Theatric and eccentric. But that was like my first, my favorite scene, which is him explaining it, you seeing it and seeing what the tempo of what things were going to be, and just Nick Cage being Nick Cage, like you expect Nick Cage to be, with superpowers.


Yeah, I don't know if I expect Nick Cage to have superpowers. I guess he does. He's in his own Nick first over there. But he, I would say I did enjoy the parts where you could see what he saw into the future, because that is interesting to see how you can see, like, how your choices line up and what you're doing. I also really enjoyed Watching him run.


I don't know if his pants were just too tired, if shoes were not right, but the way he was like running trying to avoid like the logs and stuff was just wild to me was not, was not well executed by him. Everyone else was fine. He's given off real Nick Cage vibes here. I liked that aspect of the movie. Anything meant to do with him being able to see in the future if that was interesting. But I think that's where my interest dies. I Don't think I have very many favorite scenes in the movie.


Yeah, there weren't many like memorable moments in this movie because a lot of it Placated on the fact that they were going to like any action that Chris did. It was just going to reset, so you would never actually see the result or the consequence, so he would just get a read, he would get to redo it over so there would be no endgame or no failure.


Yeah like he would get a chance to just redo it over, so it didn't make it memorable to invest in anything he was doing, because he would just get to Redo it over and over until he got the outcome that he wanted. Yeah and I think that's also what kind of made me not as interested in it, because I'm like that doesn't make any sense, because you could just go through your life and get, keep trying until you get the outcome you want.


Yeah, yeah, same. I also think that I Don't know, it just wasn't. It just wasn't well what I thought it was gonna be. I would. I guess I would say that another part of my favorite scenes or parts of the movie is his love story, abel, just because, not because it's a love story, but because it's so Implausible. This may have season to the future, so you would think that would make this impossible, but they're just, their relationship makes zero sense, even if he couldn't seem to the future like the way they're just already, so like into each other and committed and like all these things. It just, it was this basically a comedy, it there's no way. There's no way that all of that could have Potentially happen. But then you find out I guess the other thing is you do find out that he can see more into the future with Jessica Beale.


Which but they don't explain how.


Yes, which I think leads into the next point which is a Weakness in the movie is that we're introduced to this character that Jessica Bill plays. Mind you that Her character is Liz Cooper.


He goes to this diner and he, for some reason, he Sees a vision and he's able to see her waiting there at a specific her waiting there at a specific time and he's been going there for all this time and he's been trying to find a way to get her to come with him, but for some reason, while this individual, he's able to see not just his future but everything around. It's never specified, it's never explained how, but there are some unique connection and You're just supposed to know yeah, we're just supposed to know.


I would say I feel like I've been ragging on a lot of Nicholas Cage movies the past few months we've watched, but I Think this is just like a really good indicator that sometimes Hollywood makes too many movies and they don't. Not to say that they don't need to be made, because everyone wants to disappear from their own life every now and then, but just like putting more thought into it. You obviously are going in having to suspend disbelief for anything and and but this one just at least with the drive angry. It was fun like this one. It just wasn't even fun. It was just odd like nothing was completely explained and I'm sorry, two minutes is not enough time to do anything. I don't care what you say. Two minutes is not enough time for you to run away. It's not enough time for you to drive off like it.


He should have had five minutes. She should have had a whole five minutes. So I don't like that. They didn't explain that. I don't like that either. When they had at one point he's kidnapped to find the bomb and they just open his eyes and make him watch all of this news. They don't explain how he would be able to see the future via the news anyway, because it has to be his own actions, like things he does. It has to be happening to him for him to see two minutes ahead. And how would it be helpful for him to see two minutes ahead of when the bomb is exploding?


Yeah, that-.


Because it would still be two minutes.


Yeah, which that wasn't explained. So once he decides to help, or he's captured, he helps. They put him like there were a lot of. That was a weak moment there, because that's something that doesn't explain.


It's definitely a plot hole and I think that they tried to say, because his concern was for Liz Jessica Beale's character, that he was able to see in the future, because he was able to see farther than two minutes when he was with her and then again when he was, I guess, thinking of her while they were trying to get him to figure out where the bomb was. But they don't explain again how that works and not to beat like a Well is it-.


A dead horse, a dead horse? I don't understand that saying why would you beat a horse or a dead horse? Whatever, that's the story for another day. I just don't understand why they wouldn't elaborate a little bit more on that, because does he need to have her present, cause it seemed like he needed to have her present, or does he just need to think about her and then, all of a sudden, he can see out as far into the future as he wants?


Maybe he's using all full parts of his brain.


Maybe he's using his penis, and that's why it's working. I fucking who knows.


We don't know who gave him the 10 minutes. Like who? Not 10 minutes, but the two minutes. Like what happens after two minutes? If he decided to push himself even further, does he start to get nosebleeds? And-. Yeah, like they don't talk.


They say that they did tests on him, but that's it. It's like nothing else is elaborated on, and that part is also frustrating. I understand wanting to create a movie, but I think they needed to pick a path of what they wanted to be, and they wanted a love story, an action film and also like a mystery science fiction thriller, and instead they tried to shove all three in a movie that was only 90.


I think when Nick Cage got this script and he ready goes, all right, I could do all three of these things.


Yeah, I could do all three of these things and you know what? It's a signifier of how much time has changed, because 2007, I'm sure watching this movie, I would have been like, ah, it's okay. Now watching it, seeing him basically manipulate the whole situation to get this girl interested in him is just really gross. Honestly, he's manipulating their story so that she falls for him and that's not a genuine, that's not a genuine relationship because he's doing all the things he thinks she wants him to do or she needs him to do for him to get what he wants, and it doesn't. It just is not cool in my book. Not cool at all, especially with all this stuff with Jonah Hill coming out, which our friends distant from the get go Asia, she always there she been, knew he was not a cool dude, but yeah, I just I don't like that.


He manipulated her into that situation Like it's the one they show him China and engage with her and talk to her for the first time and then she had conversations. He goes through every possible scenario. He could choose to get her to care about him and to have her be around him, and that's just a super manipulative. This is a genuine relationship. It doesn't make sense to me. Like I get wanting to. He sees her and he wants to be with her, but it just you shouldn't force that stuff out. Anyway, that's one of my biggest problems with the movie.


But and then, eventually, when the house of cards comes crumbling down and she realizes that she was manipulated by him, she for a brief moment is angry, and then she accepts it. And then it's like okay, I was just like this guy did, almost didn't force me against my will, we just had passionate sex. But now the truth comes out, but now I have feelings for you.


Yeah, we just had passionate sex with your ghost writer body, so you're in very good shape, but you could not fix your hair, and he doesn't even like he shaved that shirt. Okay, oh, what? What are you doing? That doesn't make sense at all in the movie.


But yeah, that's another thing is she finds out he manipulating her. But then I was like, hey, you know what? Yeah, I care about you still. You still care. You need to see a therapist because you've seen a lot of red flags and you are still going for it. This is what we call ignoring red flag and pursuing the relationship. Anyway. You would be known as a love bomb. Love us.


But the undertone is that the overall undertone for this movie was that fate, oh yeah, fate was always being brought up by Chris's character. Every time he was having a conversation with Liz, he was always finding a way to bring up fate. Yeah, oh, what would you do if you could change your fate? Maybe it's meant to be. And she was like you can't change your fate, things would just happen, let it happen. And he would always be like maybe when people meet each other, they're just meant to be, like you can change your fate. So he was always like being subtle about if you could do this and that.


And she was always like if it happened, yeah, but it's a hard prediction for him to say that it's fate because he manufactured it. Correct. It's not fate if he's making it happen. It's fate that he saw her and it's fate that he is able to help the police locate the bond, which again, a weird side plot. But what is the like outside of that? It's manufactured, so it's not fate between them, it's not real between them, and so that's interesting too.


What we're saying is that Chris was a creeper. He's been watching her this whole time and at this exact moment, he's essentially a stalker.


Sexy probably had a high key as stalker and we don't like that in the year 2023. We're all grown. The internet's more within our reach. You can get better men than the ones here. That doesn't move. You can see two minutes into the future and we'll force you to follow.


You can find a better man out there, ladies. I'm just saying it's a low bar. It's a really low bar. He's a magician, which honestly cool. I think that's cool, but he can't ever have a stable job, liz. He can't do anything. She's gonna think about her future, thinking about crap. It is just in there and then she gets kidnapped by the guys.


Who they don't even flesh out.


No, they don't, they're just trying to kill them, because they're also the ones detonating the bomb and a whole hoopla. And Julianne Moore's in there, which honestly she could do better I don't know why she was moved movie. And then, oh you know what One other favorite scene was. I did like what he was trying to convince her that he could think the future. I turned on the TV and then we changed the channel and I predict what they were going to say before they would say it.


That was cool. Could you imagine doing that at party? Just start party, shark.


That would be interesting, but then I would be like DVR. Yeah, that's true, we have DVR now.


There's no way that we could hit every channel. There's no way I could. You could turn on that and I could sit there and have you change the channel and I would know exactly what they were going to say. On every single channel there's no way Chromecast you could just preload a whole segment. That's a lot of work, amen.


Chris manipulated Liz into a relationship and falsified feelings that she now has for him. So anything fun.


Chris, or was it?


Chris is his real name. Frank Cadillac is his stage name. What?


a terrible stage name. Couldn't even come up with a better shape one.


He chose Cadillac, he chose Frank for Frankenstein, and then Cadillac was the car.




Amen, I didn't write these characters.


I don't know how you got that, but it's still stupid. They're a really dumb name. I'm sorry. Chris Angel, anyone, david Blaine, those are good names.


I think he, I think I think Cadillac's character was supposed to be like a spin-off of Chris Angel and David Blaine, just because. But he was, he's more like a second rate, because he did do like magician sleight of hand stuff.


Yeah, if I was him, I would have just done that, kept a magician gig and pretended to be like I was quote unquote psychic, because why not? And then people would think that there was ways he could figure it out. People would think that there wasn't. So you would have the general population, people believing and people disbelieving, and I said, look, he could have gotten away with that if he just pretended to be a magician.


Yeah, he would Like a psychic. You know how they have psychics on the shows, like with Cleo and stuff like that he could have. He could have gotten away with that, I think if he had just done that.


Yeah, his plan wasn't. He was doing like stage magic, I don't think he, and he saw two men. I don't think he saw that far.


That far, except when he was with Liz. But I guess that cop was hunting him, I don't know and more was hunting him. So I guess that wouldn't have been his best bet to have a residency in Los Feliz.


True it just. This movie was just. It was all. It was over the place. Julianne Moore was doing her best, the villain was I can't even talk to the villain for being on. Yeah, he, the villain, was really non-existent. He was really just there in the third act. He was there to prop up the third act. And what essentially made Chris shine when Chris decided to help after the attempt to save Liz, and then they go through this whole montage on trying to save Liz because Chris loves her, for love, and then we get to, I think is the best. I, because they're my favorite scene is that once everything is settled, the death counts probably at 15 or more people dying left and right. Is that he finally? See? He finally is? Oh, my God, I think I fucked up. And what do you mean? And he's like it's happening right now. You're like what's happening? The bomb is being detonated, the nuclear bomb.


That's what he's saying into the future, right.


This is where we get to the point where he saves everyone, everyone's clear and they're like, okay, now I can help you. And then he realizes that this was a decoy and that it's happening now. And then the bomb goes off. And then what we think? Oh shit, this is, the movie's gonna be over. We realize that everything that we just witnessed was a vision of the future. We are now led all the way back to the moment of Chris laying in bed with Liz, that everything that just that we assumed just happened didn't happen. And Chris now has to make the call that, if he realizes now that if he stays with Liz then everyone's death is essentially assured, that his only purpose now, after he had spent this whole time chasing her for love, real life, is he has to now leave her.




I was like what the fuck?


Doesn't she get kidnapped after that?


No, she doesn't get kidnapped, he leaves, he leaves.


So like we essentially saw the ending of the movie, that's right, see, that's how little I was invested, that I can't even remember the ending, the end of the movie, and it wasn't that long ago that we watched.


Yeah, it was like we literally saw the death of everyone Everyone was killed off Only to find out that it never happened. But it was a version of a path that would happen if he continued to be with Liz from that point on Right and he never.


She never finds out, he never tells her that he can see into the future and that he manipulated their, manufacture, their, relationship.


He just decides that he'll meet her later, he'll find her, and then he Yep, and then he goes to meet the FBI agent and leaves, and then the credits just roll in reverse. I'm like what the fuck?


Yeah, that yeah, no See, I don't remember. I think I blocked that out because I probably am annoyed by that ending. But also, I think the only thing I can learn from what this movie is is you are, if your life is relying on Nicholas K saying two minutes into the future to find a nuclear bomb to save you, you should just prepare for death. He can't even run fast and get there Like man. There's nothing to save you.


Life is a mess and so just I think, yeah, I think this movie was just like, giving us like, and not to say that the movie had great moments but also had fun moments. But this movie was like was essentially, he got the bad ending. We saw that normally in some films the trope is or the stereotype is the guy gets the girl, the heroine, the hero gets the girl. This was essentially the opposite of that. Stereotype is that if the hero gets the girl it, it equivalates that everyone's dead, like the bad ending occurs. He has to choose sadness.


He has to choose sadness. He has to choose forever being alone.


Forever being alone, and you know what Some of us have to choose that too. It's better to be alone than it is to be with someone who can see two minutes into the future. Like why, just two minutes, what? I think, we're in 20 seconds.


It's still not explained.


I think six or five months later, 20 seconds later, I can figure out how to text a gift Like it's not enough time to do anything.


Oh, and the technology in this was like flip phones.


Oh yeah, flip phones. Oh yeah. Gosh, what a simpler kind. You know I seem so bright this that I did not have such a such a dark eye with my. I will say that I feel like they were trying to set it up for a sequel, but it just didn't work. It wasn't even just the story. I would also say that I just do not believe Jessica Biel and Nick Cage would be interested in each other romantically. I think he's like 20 years older than her.


Okay, since you mentioned, I see what would have been the sequel and the title.


I have no idea. Next what happened, next Something like that.


What? What happened next?


What happened next?


I thought you were saying the title is I have no idea.


Next, I have no idea. Onward to the next.


Onward just the title with next in there somewhere.


Oh, he's 18 years older than her. Yeah, I was right, he was about 20 years older. Yeah, I don't know. Next bring the bomb.


Discovering the bomb. Some random title Dying her Next MacGyver.


I couldn't tell you, liz gets powers too. This gets powers too, I have no idea. It doesn't make any sense.


Yeah, they really didn't make.


We were clearly trying to set it up like it was successful. There would have been a sequel, but because it wasn't, they didn't make one and of course it wasn't, they weren't believable with each other. Sometimes some actors just don't have chemistry and I don't think that Jessica Biel had chemistry with him and I don't think he had chemistry with her. I think he's kind of sure of himself why he did not. It was not believable that they would be in love. I'm not saying people kept on love with people 20 years older than them, with Elina or Caprio. He's dating all the really young girls and no one old enough to make him feel his age. But I am saying that I don't buy that they would be into each other that quickly, that fast. It's this storyline I mean, that committed to each other. If that were to happen in real life, then they both have meat therapy. That's all I gotta say.

Speaker 1:



So if you want to watch a movie about a guy who barely sees her to the future, it's for you.


That pretty much sums up. I had to guess what the sequel would be.


Would be X-Men, the X-Men.




Are they gonna join superheroes now, because they could be two minutes ahead?


I mean, I don't know what they would probably do. They'd probably, like you would assume, if he helps them find the nuke, they would probably never let him go. So it would be him just working for them exclusively for the rest of his life.


I'm curious does he stay in Vegas? Because he saw the Virgin of Lis there and he's just decided to wait until he can see her. Okay, that's why he's there. Why wouldn't he just go to other places that allow you to gamble, like Atlantic City? There's casinos all over the world. There's casinos in Washington. You could do it and you could get away with gambling and not get noticed the way that he did.


But I'm wondering, when he saw the vision of her, what age it was, because imagine if he was a kid and he saw the vision. He's not a kid, no, bumpton. When did the vision of Lis come to him? Because that's what I was saying. What if he was seven, eight years old and he got a vision of her as an adult and he's like what does this mean?


Yeah, what's he thinking about? Love? And he just automatically was hit with one. None of it makes sense. None of it makes sense. But you know what?


Like how Nick Cage sees two minutes into the future, how it's not explained. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense.


Next it doesn't make sense. That's the new movie that I.




Watch the remake it in ten years.


There are already different movies.


That are very similar.




Yes, there's many. Anyway, I feel like there are a lot more cons than pros for this movie. As I do a lot of the time and I want the world style. I have an optimism, so this is not my true character. These movies just aren't good. So I like Nicholas Cage, I really love some movies that he. I just think that some movies they send aren't good, so they're rare.


When you take a handful of darts and just throw them out of a wall and figure out which one to say which one's gonna hit. Yeah, one of them's gonna hit.


We're loading in Las Vegas I think he was in that one and or leaving Las Vegas, One of the two. He won an Oscar for it, but apparently he was amazing and I believe that because he's done movies where I've been like oh he's doing a great job. He comes from a famous acting family. Anyway, I don't know about you, but I have reviews.


So we're gonna move on to our review portion where we're gonna read review film letter box and see what other people thought in the film and gave their rating on. Do you want to go first?


Yeah, why not? Okay, well, they. This is by Jenna. She gave the film Two Stars out of Five and she wrote Nick's hairstyle is for the. We woke up and chose violin. I'm sure, when I tell you that it was just, it caught me off guard, it caught me unaware, and that doesn't happen very many times these days.


All right, mine is gonna be from Parker. I only watched 45 minutes of this and can see my own future, and I'll never finish it. One and a half stars.


Fort Guy won and a half stars. Yeah, he saw into his future. He did not like it. That's fair, I think, with the overall internet out of five stars it looks. Overall it's got a 2.4 rating on letter box. My second review is Chaotic Neutral, which I just learned is a D&D term. Yeah, I don't know a Chaotic Good, that's the one.


They're both.


They're both Okay. I just started playing D&D everyone, so I now know that's a D&D term. That's what they're doing. They gave it one star and they said Julianne Moore, what the fuck are you doing in this movie? That was my thought process. Like 10 times. Like Julianne Moore, you're actually a great actor and you don't need the money. So why are you in this film? Like what went wrong that you decided to be in this movie? And you know what I still don't know?


And my second one is going to be from Corey Nick Cage squints into the future. Two stars.


Yeah, that's basically what he does. He just squints a lot. Very appealing.


What would you give your rating on this movie?


My rating would be a one I did, and that one is only for Julianne Moore and it negates. Actually, I give her two, but I had a negative one for his hair, so it's not two or one Just because of Julianne Moore. This woman's been in over a hundred thing and she chose this movie, and I will forever wonder why, I would give it a one as well.


Just to be honest, nick Cage was holding this movie together. Jessica Bill was in it. If you take out all like everyone else, it's just Nick Cage. He literally is playing every role, which is pretty much him in every movie. But the fact is very evident. In this he's going full force Absolutely. And so you don't get to see Julianne Moore Just a good deal. It's mainly just him soloing a lot of the film. So, yeah, it's just one star and you feel like you need other actors for him to work off. Just him by himself it's not great.


Great. You know what? Though Him by himself and in the movie where he's playing himself. That was great because the other version of himself was so freaking silly that I was like you know what? I can believe this. I can believe this movie. Now I gotta give it a one.




And that's being generous.


Yeah, we were any lower. It's probably just on life support.


Yeah, it is, I agree Okay.


So that's probably going to wrap it up for this, for this episode, but did you want to leave our listeners with any words With?


as we all know. Oh, I lost my, I lost my. What Jolly has his hand, jolly has his life.


All right, and that's us signing off and have a great night everyone, bye, bye.

Speaker 1:

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