Second Emulation

Defending the Village: An Epic Demon Slayer Encounter

August 04, 2023 Shawn Juarez Episode 42

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Ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Demon Slayer? Brace yourself for an intense race against time as Muchiro battles to save his village from a menacing demon invasion. Tune in to experience his nerve-wracking encounter with Kotetsu, and a peculiar demon with a protective vase on its head. But hold on to your seats, because there’s more! Join Muchiro and company as they rush to protect Hang and his invaluable creation – Tonjiro's sword, from the lurking danger.

In the second act, shift your focus to the skies as we witness Tonjiro in a high-stakes aerial duel against the multiplying demons. Pay close attention as he strategizes and unravels the demons' weakness mid-battle. But the surprises don't stop there! Get the inside scoop on Genya's unusual weapon choice, his fierce determination, and the critical struggles he and Nezuko face in the battlefield. As we draw closer to the heart-stopping climax, keep an eye out for Muchiro's crucial role in safeguarding Tondra's sword. So, prepare yourself for a rollercoaster ride of action, strategies, and intense battles, brought to life in this riveting episode.

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Welcome to Second Emulation, the podcast that explores all things pop culture, from movies and TV shows to the latest anime releases. Join us as we dive into the world of entertainment, sharing our thoughts, opinions and insights on the latest trends and releases, with a focus on what's hot and what's not. We're your go-to source for all things pop culture. So sit back, relax and let's get started.


Today I'm going to talk about episode four. Thank you, kotoko, of Demon's Lair. So let's get into it Now. This starts with where the previous episode leaves off. We see Moricho running through the forest. Now the reason why he's been running is that from the previous episode he's been knocked out. The demons that have been beheaded and divided have figured to take him off the board. Less demons there to deal with the better. So he's been dealt with by the one that held the fan, just taken out.


Now he's currently right now running through the forest trying to make up ground, because now he's on alert. He has to get back to the village and inform the village chief, if the alarms haven't been already said, that the village is now under attack. So his main objective is I need to protect the village. It is not safe. So he's making a bay line. He's just running straight at full speed, trying to get there as quickly as possible. Now, as he's making a full sprint in this one direction, he is actually coming across Kotetsu and Kotetsu looks like he's encountering a demon of some sort. Now he sees his peripheral. He doesn't. He just continues on. And as he's continuing he gets like this inkling voice of Tanjiro that just tells him that if you help someone, that that random act of kindness will be returned to you in tenfold. You know that it will be paid back to you in some way or form and for some reason, this can pose him to stop and go assist Kotetsu, the swordsmith who had created the training doll, against his better judgment, knowing that his first primary objective is to protect the village, which at this point could be up in flames. So he stops to assist Kotetsu. Now, at this point, the demon that he's dealing with gets a fish with a vase on its head and he slices it. No problem, head boom, it's done. And he's about to continue his journey, but then realizes the head comes back on. That's odd. And then he starts to think okay, if they be heading, this demon doesn't work. I need to find a different way. Okay, then he realizes the vase on top of its back. Catch the vase. That sure does the trick.


Now, all this point, kotetsu's behind him, cowering, and once he the deal is done, it's just grateful. He's praising him left and right. He goes. Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I'm grateful for you stopping coming back to save me. I'm sorry for all the shit talking I did behind your back, calling you all these names, you know, calling you seaweed head. I take all those things back. And what you're wait, what you're calling me. See, we had he goes. Oh yeah, don't worry about it, we're good now. Just yeah, I just, I didn't mean to call you name of the shit, talk you behind your back, we're good now. And then Richard's like all right, cool, if you're cool, I got to go. And Kotetsu's wait, the deam, the.


There's more demons and Han is at the shed. He's gonna need protection. I need you to help me. We got to get to the shed and we have to protect the swords and protect him, because if there's demons here, he's gonna need protection and we need to make sure that the swords are protected. Mature has this expression of ill Contemp and frustration, like he doesn't really want to spend any more time with this guy than he needs to. But he keeps remembering that words of tundra, of these active kindness, will come back and pay it forward, even though it goes against his better judgment of I'm a demon slayer. Right now, my sole duty is to protect the village and the chief and he agrees Okay, let's go and force print they. He makes a beeline with kankatsu on his back towards the shed.


Now, mind you, this is the shed where Han is working on the sword for a tundra. Hopefully we're going to get Maybe you know what it might look like the final product product. So it's of importance to that. This sword that hundreds of women is protected at all times because it may be the key to killing Lord moves on. So if they lose this, or if the demons are keen to finding out that's a weapon from One of the Sun Readers that did actually push Lord moves on back, they might want to destroy it. So that might also Play a part in the further episodes. But I don't know why.


And we're back to oh Genje coming in with a gun and a sword. That was surprising him coming in at the last minute with a gun now, which is going to be pretty interesting because that's something new technology that we actually haven't seen in Demon Slayer, and I wonder if this is something that's just gonna be custom to custom build for him. But just seeing how familiar he is with it and comfortable using it is awesome and, given the situation, he's able to keep his distance from the demons, but at the same time, the boy is just going for headshots. He's been just headshotting, headshotting and Tondra has been trying to tell him no, like they, they multiply. But the boy, genja, has not listened. But it's understandable. Like he, he know he's on a one-path, he knows his purpose. His eye need to get the job done. I need to take these guys out. And he's doing whatever he can. He has the tools to get the job done.


And Nezuko's there and they're backing their backs against the rope, only the only for Tondra to get that paraded by the, the joy emotion demon, by wings. So he's out and it's Genja and Nezuko against the three of two demons, one with the spear and one with the staff. And they're holding their own. To be honest, they were, they were jumping. So the fact that they were taking those licks and still coming back from war was surprising. Nezuko, we already know. She know King, lose an arm and lay still come up for fire, still come back and fight. And she was doing her blood art, so she was throwing everything she can. That lease provides some cover for Tondra, but Tondra is more of the strategist in this fight.


By him being taken out also is a blow which is only gonna be momentarily, but it's not really looking good for them, for for the crew, at this moment, because not only is Machiro out, but Tondra's been separated and they're essentially the only two demons layers that can officially take out or be had the demons. So I'm not sure how well Gengen or Gengis gun will fare if it has the same type of, if it has the same type of characteristics as the blade. But the boy is just every time he fires a shot he reloads. So he's not. The boy got heart. So that's all I can say. He got heart and I think if we an episode we see him. He does have a fashioned sword, but I don't think it's similar to the blades that the Demon Core have. So, if anything, I think at some point they need to get him a sword as well, something so he can start cutting heads or be head heads If he doesn't already have one. Well, that's going on.


Tondra is dealing with a whole set of problems. He's being carried through the air, thrown through trees, thrown on the ground. He's fighting for his life and what could be known as like an aerial battle. But at the same time, while this is all happening, he's figuring out, trying to figure out the weaknesses of these demons. What he's gathered so far is that chopping off their heads only allows them to divide even more. And the more that they divide, the more their powers are shared or also split. And so at a moment he kind of like cuts himself loose or aims for the head for the joy demon which has the wings as he's free, falling into trees. He lands and the remnants of what was cut off formed and blasts him. But the blast, this aerationic blast that this realm, that Remain does, is not as effective from the host body. And that's when he realizes that by cutting parts they can't split even further, or by stabbing where the marking is, it won't allow them to split. And so he's like, strategizing, like what he? How can this come into play in a way to take him down, because that in itself is a weakness.


Tondral has always been quick to think on his feet, or always not on his feet, but always in the heated battle, always thinking of what the next move is, what the plan is. So it was nice to see, like always good to see him, just not always the stopping, just always on the go, always on the go. And so just figuring this out and seeing how stabbing the marking was a way to prevent them from dividing and seeing how the joy demon could, as the other demon planted his staff to have electricity, how the joy demon could stand there and not be affected. So he was contemplating this plan and he was able to figure out that he can work away to utilize that. And he's shit. I need to get my. I need to get back to Nezuko and Genya. They're not gonna last long and me being over here is not gonna do any good.


So he contemplates a plan to use the joy demon to fly himself from where he was dropped off back to the battle. And he's going to stab the joy demon through the mouth, through the tongue, and use that to maneuver and fly all his way back to the battle is a straight G. And what I mean by this is that, even though we haven't seen him perform any breathing techniques, but he's been fighting, he's been holding his own against the demons, like they've been dabbing and hitting him in vital points, and he's been just getting up and there's been a comment by the demons themselves like essentially asking what is he? Because he's been stabbed like close to the heart in a vital point and they've watched him bleed out, only to have Gendr just stand up, grin and smile, and then you repeat a mantra, prayer, and they're like in awe but amused, but almost like you could see in the demons eyes, almost like a sense of fear, because they don't know what he is like. He's not a demon of some sort, or he might not even be human and he can't die. And they've every attack they did perform on Genja should have killed him, but yet he still stands. And so they're confused because any human would have been dead already.


And so again, just stand there just eating these hits and saying his prayers, while still in the midst of taking his gun and fight, like firing each blow and this kind of allows, you know Nezuko to keep fighting herself. She's out here just scrapping, performing her blood art, still not giving up because not giving an inch, not backing up, because the moment they stop even putting up any type of fight, they are done. Essentially they are done. So that's essentially the. The motive of the fight is like endurance keep fighting, because if they stop putting up any type of fight, they're done. You know it's over for them. So Genja knows it and Nezuko know it is that they have to keep fighting even if they don't have anything in the tank, because they have to make sure that the fight is concentrated on them and not spread out to the village. They have to make sure it is contained and keep the focus on them, otherwise the village is doomed.


And just when things seem like dire, when Nezuko is just like using her blood art and just getting the shit kicked out of her because she's just spamming that move over and over again just to provide some relief, you get Tondaro coming in riding the Joy Demon. This sword is just lodged in the Joy Demon's throat like he's comes flying in, slamming to the ground. The other demons see it, they're prepared to attack and as they're about to, the one with the staff sees it. He's going to perform the lightning. Tondaro anticipates this attack, cuts the foot off, comes running up, grabs the staff with the foot of the Joy Demon and prevents him from using the lightning and then is able to like back him off. Now this startles the demon, as he was able to anticipate this whole thing and understand that the Joy Demon was impervious to lightning and had the foresight to do that. But at the same time, this one small victory didn't last that long as the other demon came in with the fan and just started fanning everything, simply knocked Tondaro and Nezuko through two or three buildings.


Ganji has been knocked into the next room. So at this point we're seeing both Nezuko and Tondaro either out for the count, while Ganji is either alive or he's recovering and Machiro is just. He's on a beeline on his way toward the shed to protect Tond while he's finishing up Tondaro's sword. So there's three important there's three things happening all at once and the demons are attacking the village, which they still haven't explained how the demons were able to get to the village. Maybe they'll reveal their source of how they got there, how the 4th or 5th got there, which will be interesting. But there's so much going on and yeah, so who knows if Tondaro and Nezuko will be able to recover in order to put up a fight their badly beaten and Ganja he's taking so many hits. Hopefully he can pull one out of the gas tank and provide some cover fire. So we'll see at this point, because episode religious ends with after Tondaro and Nezuko get hit with a fan, like it was just they're both just knocked out and the episode ends.


So we don't know. You know what's going on, but all the fighting is just concentrated in that one area. So we have all the demons now in the area and essentially in that building. So there's no alarms have been alerted. As far as we know, none of the villagers have been warned about what's going on. Everything's been self-contained up until this point. But that's all I have for today. Catch you in the next one. I'd like to rate this episode 4 out of 5, because there was a lot of action in this episode, so it just picks up right where the previous one left off. So my rating for this episode 4 out of 5, and so that's where I like to leave it. 4 stars, alright, and again, we'll catch you in the next episode.


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