Second Emulation

Exploring Plot Twists and Turns in Sympathy for the Devil

July 13, 2024 Shawn Juarez Episode 64

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What if a seemingly chaotic, high-stakes game of cat and mouse left you feeling more puzzled than entertained? This episode of Second Emulation promises to unpack the chaotic plot of "Sympathy for the Devil," starring Nicolas Cage, whose performance is both electrifying and bewildering. We'll dive into the muddled storyline and discuss key scenes, focusing on Cage's over-the-top acting and the underwhelming twists that leave the plot in disarray.

Curious why a character, capable of overpowering an older hitman, would instead drive him around under duress? We'll scrutinize the baffling plot inconsistencies and character motivations, dissecting the critical scenes where logic seems to take a back seat. From Cage's uncanny ability to track his target to the irrational decisions made by the protagonist, we raise essential questions about the film’s narrative choices and the plausibility behind them.

Ever felt let down by a movie trailer that promised so much more? We tackle this disappointment head-on, using Nicolas Cage films as prime examples, honing in on the lackluster execution of "Knowing." By sharing varied opinions and user reviews from Letterboxd, we'll highlight the highs and lows of Cage's career, comparing his stellar performances in "Renfield" and "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent" with his less successful projects. Join us for an engaging critique, as we call for Cage to maintain higher standards in his film choices.

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Welcome to Second Emulation

  📍 Okay , so like, welcome to Second Emulation, the podcast that's all about pop culture, like, literally everything from movies and TV shows to the latest anime crazes. Join us for, like, all the juicy deets and insights on what's happening in the entertainment world. We're, like, totally here to spill the tea on what's hot and what's not, so if you're looking for the ultimate pop culture fix, you're in the right place, honey. So, like, grab a seat, kick off your heels, and let's dive right into it, shall.

Introducing the Hosts

I'd like to welcome you back to another episode, and don't mind me, but I'm Shawn, 

and I'm Kiley, 

Ussef, you know? Very infamous sister with her vandalism, famous tag lines.  But today we're,  you know,  

continuing the journey. 

We are continuing the journey. 

Diving into 'Sympathy for the Devil'

But the journey you know, this film,  Sympathy for the Devil, which we are reviewing,  it is a it's a lot, but also nothing at the same time. 

And I felt like 

they could just, Thanks. Bye. 

Nick Cage's Performance

I feel like they just told Nick Cage, just go out there on set and just perform. 

Yeah, for people who don't know, the movie came out, what, last year? 2003? Correct. And it's got Nick Cage and that guy from The Killing, And 

Silent Night.  

DC universe too? 

Yeah, he was in DC universe.

He was also in the remake of Robocop. 

He's been a lot of things. Altered carbon, carbon altered, whatever. People have said that stuff.  and this is the synopsis. It says revenge takes the wheel. After being forced to drive a mysterious passenger at gunpoint, a man finds himself in a high stakes game of cat and mouse, where it becomes clear that not everything is as it seems. 

I don't know if it's the title, sympathy for the devil. But I thought, and then, or the hair, but I thought it was the devil , like he was gonna be driving around, which is a lot more interesting than what it turned out to be. So, 

yeah.  And the synopsis didn't, like,  didn't really match up to the title. Like it's,  there was too many things going on in the film.

Clearly  when we watched it. It's like, oh, cool. You know, it's one of those.  I'm carjackings and tape me to point A to point B, I don't think 

it's so fair to call it a high stakes cat and mouse. Cause it doesn't feel cat and mouse. 


crazy passenger. Betting the backseat of my car. Tell me what to do. 

Plot Confusion and Character Dynamics

It had started off with a very linear,  you know, storyline  and  what I think what through  what threw me off, Maybe it threw you off.

Is that there were no names of the main characters,  throughout the entire film,  until the end. I think that's what confused me was that,  they, we didn't get actual like labels for the characters. There was like my wife, you know, I'm the husband of, but Nick Cage's character never really introduced himself.

So.  There was like a name that was sent out who  he presumably was looking for and there was no actual identifier like who this is, but the character who had  gotten in the car with  didn't really identify who he was. 

Yeah. He just kind of, and I think they call it, they say in the movie or in the thing, when we looked it up, one is like passenger, and one is like driver.

They don't give you their names or anything like that. 

Is there were like, is referring  also to some kind of poster. Since Capcom's Sans is inexplicably obvious we can assume this is alive. I mean he's got a knife tag and he's carrying a gun. Wait, this IS a thing. Adele was the first Jap cupid to ever wear a Cup just like this.

The Mexican as if being released from hell. and my wife is this, I'm like. 

You know,  throw skin in the game,  which he  attempted to do.  In the beginning.  I don't know it,  it started off.  I couldn't  make heads or tails of it As we watched it from start to finish, And then, this  twist  out of left field comes up And it essentially just shatters the whole plot of the movie of what it was supposed to be. 

What you assumed it to be,  you know, right down the gutter.  

Yeah, it was, I mean, I feel like it's supposed to be a sneak sneaky reveal, but it doesn't really feel like a sneaky reveal because he's harping on about. being this one person or the mucus man.  and,  or yeah, it,  I don't, I,  it's interesting.

It was interesting. I feel like it was supposed to be like a tense, you know, it was supposed to be a cat and mouse tense conversation, but I have to be honest. I like checked out multiple times during the movie. So it was,  It was,  interesting. That's 

all I can say.  

Favorite and Weak Moments

Were there any favorite moments? It's  hard to say if there were favorite moments.

I mean, 

any time, for me, any time, I could say I have some. Any time Nicolas Cage went all crazy, he like yells a ton. He just yells a lot.  I think he decided that anytime his character's upset, he's just gonna yell, which is fine, and then,  you know, he,  when he kills everyone in the diner, I guess. 


was just some bad shit.  

Oh I have to ZED agree with you, I think anytime the camera that was on him, like no scene was wasted.  He he, those were the favorite moments anytime it wasn't panned on him, it was like on the other character. It is very mundane like, Oh, I'm just as mundane person. I'm just very, you know, simple average.

I just want them, you know, and I would say that would probably to be. Not a favorite scene, just like any time  we had Nick Cage on the screen, he was like turning it up to a hundred. Yeah, 

he took his, his,  his byline, his, his homework very seriously. He was crazy. which like a lot of Nick Cage roles, he's just absolutely insane.

And you're like, well, at least he's committed.  

Yeah. I feel like 

could be worse.  he, him wearing the suit and the red hair. I thought that was great.  Still, I mean, I'm trying to think of anything else I enjoyed in that movie. I  feel like I wanted to like it. Well, I, maybe you have some favorite parts. I don't know. 

It's hard to say if there's a favorite because a lot of, the interaction takes place in the car and they're just Talking a monologue. So not really anything going on until they get to their next destination. And then  I guess I wouldn't call it like a favorite scene, but it kind of, you know, it loose the fact like what type of person he's dealing with, the cage's character is.

So when they get pulled over by the cops.  


And you can see the, you can see the dynamic between the two. Like,  you know, the, the driver's like very straight laced. He's like, Hey man, the guy's telling me to get my license, you know, I'm going to abide by him. And the cage's character, the passenger is like  really just going against the grain and going against the authority and really just pushing the cop buttons to the point that, you know, they get aggressive.

And then it just ends up in an escalation event where Nick Cage's character ends up killing him, killing the cops. And, you know, he's like, Oh, this could have been avoided. He goes, Yeah, it was. You could have stopped at any moment.  But he was just like showing him like, you know, I'm just this bad person.

Yeah. Well, he, I think he was trying to show him that he's capable of anything, especially if the guy doesn't listen to him. So  He shouldn't mess around with him because the guy does try a few times to get the attention of other people to get  to get like to get assistance from the cops to At one point in the movie when he gets he crashes the car  He like tries to tries to Get away from Nick Cage because not only is his life in jeopardy, but his wife is in labor with her child.

And when Nick Cage comes into the car, it's when he's at the hospital.  And so he comes and he's trying to get back to his wife who's having a baby and their first child died is what, They spray, and so it's really important to him to get back to his child. And so it's just interesting.  that's how it goes.

And,  and,  what do you call it? I will say I did think it was, it was,  it was, interesting that he had the small little revolver. I think you had two guns 

yet too, 

but he was using this tiny little revolver.  and so I thought that was interesting, like his gun of choice.  the way he waved it around I thought was probably one of my favorite parts too.

Nick Cage, just is real loosey goosey with his body movement sometimes. I'm like, whatever dude, he's got some cheap hair dye. He got a red suit. Clearly decided this was gonna be,  what he was gonna do. I guess I also liked when he talked sometimes about the Mekus Man, cause it was weird as all hell. But he's, like, giving hypothetical's about his family life, right?

Like, what happened, which you get the sense that you find out that his  wife and child were killed by someone who is a hit man, who he believes the guy killed them. Who he's driving around the driver or who he, whose car he got in is that man. And that's the reason why he basically, essentially kidnapped him.


yeah, and it's like this whole journey of self. Mm-Hmm,  , I want call it's self discovery. 

Not even self discovery. 'cause he is trying to find, he's trying to, to confirm that this is the man who killed his wife and his child.  so he wants confirmation and he is willing to kill anyone to get it.  I would say the diner's probably my favorite scene because it's wacky.

It's how he puts on some music in the jukebox before he starts shooting people.  outside of that, I don't think I really have any,  any favorite parts. 

Yeah, quite a 

few unsavory parts. 

Yeah. There probably a lot of like weak areas, not. You know, in the film. 

Yeah. Do you want to start with yours? 

Oh, yeah. I think for me would be the whole,  I thought like  so many,  him driving him out,  like to another destination as John Mulaney.

Second location, like he literally, gets in his car, and he tells him to drive.  Nick Cage's character is in the passenger seat. He could have just drove them to the police station. Like, you know, 

well you can't the gun, no, he would have shot. I saw it while it's happening. I know. 

But I mean, he's still gonna just taking a bullet wound. 

At that point. 


didn't, once he  started driving him, if, His wife's you know, in being in labor and the birth of his, was that important to him? He would have done anything impossible. If I like halfway through  He had already accepted I'm taking this person, that he didn't, the fight really just started I think he left him, at that moment. 

Cuz he could have just drove him all the hospital, to the police station. I 

mean, I don't think that it's a matter of him not caring, or his child's birth not being important to him. I think that his character was supposed to be, which is what, in my point, one of the weak parts is, supposed to be because it's he's not supposed  this guy this hit man he's supposed to be the opposite of it like this meek man who tries to make himself seem smaller and it's interesting to me because he like  if you put the two of them in a room together that man could totally take nick cage first of all nick cage is old but also that man is big he's a big man he's like over six foot he's super in shape we all know because we've seen him in all those things he's younger i'm like  He could have  easily like one on one tried a little bit, but  I think he, maybe he was thinking that he wanted to get make it back to his wife.

Part of him was curious what it was related to.  maybe he was trying to bide his time until there was a favorable situation, like at the end when he was able to be, Nick Cage. I don't know. I just thought it was, that was one of them. My really big one though was. 

Unanswered Questions and Plot Holes

How did Nick Cage  figure out  that that man was going to be in the hospital  for his wife's birth?

He would have had to have sussed out who he was and then like somehow figured out how he'd be in that parking, like that parking garage. Was there a tracker on the car? Like, that part's not explained at all. Which I get you're supposed to suspend disbelief, but  I just don't understand how you could do that much work to figure out where someone is  and then not know if they were the person that murdered your family.

Like if they, that they were this person, they changed identity. 

Cage, a hit man himself.  

I think so. Maybe his wife was stealing from a, well, from a big,  crime boss and the crime boss ordered the hit on his wife. And, but he ended up,  The driver ended up acidentally killing the daughter too 

So like He was a hitman so like Technically yeah, so He had  Yeah, so it didn't make any sense If you were You put all of this  Research into finding the man that your Your next target  it  You're so clean, so precise you got there.

How did you know that moment? Unless you're tapping his phone. 

Yeah, tapping his phone or even putting a tracker on the car. But even then, if you're going to those extents then you have to, that means that he had to have, like I'm assuming hired like a private eye or something to locate this man  who he believes to be the person who killed his his wife and daughter and if he's gone that far To locate this man, how could you not be certain it's him?

Yeah boyfriend 

Because at that point, like, what are you just going to get? A random name and be like, okay I guess this person might be the person who killed Like, I just feel like if he's going to do that much, that much research like That he's gonna also do the legwork to confirm that that's the man but I guess maybe he wanted to hear from him directly I don't know.

I don't 

know. Yeah, I didn't make any sense. It didn't make 

any sense 

So that the driving part like having to like drive him to  I'm assuming to the location  Which is like,  Rockhill In a  state  that  is a three hour Dude, i  think your taking him to another location It's where the murder happened 

Absolutely, you were taking him somewhere to kill him  

yeah but maybe i don't know  It was fishy, but it didn't relate to the plot.

I was just like, it was confusing at that point. That was a weak area. Like you're going to kidnap me and then drive me two hours away and have me drive two hours away so you can kill me. Just kill me in the damn car. Yeah, for real. Like at that point I'm already in the car. You're just going to, you know, if you've,  you've done all the  You already are sus about who I am.

Just get it over with. Like at this point. You're just wasting my time. 

Yeah, it's like you wanted to confirmation or to get out some type of  like Vendetta, but if you're that certain, it's that man, why wouldn't you just kill him on site? 

Yeah, he, he, he, he wasted all that time. Like at that point I get in the backseat  visually.

If you know, like visually, I guess he called him like, he's talking about the mucus man. If that was your confirmation, you get in. And you visually see that's him  and that should be it.  Yeah. You're 

in the car. You've already kidnapped someone that you believe to be this person. Then they must be that person or you're very wrong.

And at that point it's like, you've already gone that far. So I don't know.  I don't know. 

Or maybe for, yeah. Like, or for him, it's like, I, I get my rocks. Nick Cage is like, I got it. I got it. I feel 

like he just wanted him to admit it, but. It's like shaggy. You're just gonna always say it wasn't you if faced with death Like no matter what, maybe at the very, very end, but if this man, the driver is a killer, he's not going to admit it at all because there's no reason to for him.

So I'm like, you're dealing with that kind of person. Why would you think that that that's something they would do? I just don't understand that. He 

was way. Another weak point is that he was wasting valuable time. Like, I think he, he drove him to the dine. Like he drove him out, went to the diner to eat, And was like, giving them exposition, story exposition.

Wasting time, you know trying to like  convince, convince the driver like I know you are this person. 


I know you don't know, but I know who you know. Like you know, like the SPIDER MAN MEME, You know right? You know, we know who, who, like Mme. 

Webb, you're all in my, I, I know all these things. 

Yeah. Like he was, he was wasting the time trying to convince the guy that you are this person.

I know you are this person.  It didn't make any sense. But also at the same time, leaving collateral damage, like the whole diner scene, you know, just to prove a point, which.  That plot, which is a huge detour in itself,  

Yeah, I mean, it just doesn't, that seems so,  so unnecessary. All of the stuff that he did.

And, if he's truly only trying to get revenge. He killed so many people along the way because he chose to draw it out. Like he, after the guy got, they got pulled over by the cops and he killed them, he chose to go to a diner and end up killing the people in the diner. Like he chose to do those things that resulted in killing other people unnecessarily.

Nick Cage's character did.  But like, what's the point? Why are you trying to scare this man? Like, what are you trying to do? Doesn't make sense.  No, it just doesn't make sense. 

Nick Cage's Wild Performance

No, I didn't it doesn't make sense at all  What did make sense is Nick Cage going a hundred percent crazy throughout the scene throughout this whole movie.

He did go 


he's just wilding out, you know, just like 

wilding out 

and  Some might say that's the point like this movie had a lot of weak areas and plot holes Because a lot of didn't make any sense You of the direction they were going in and then 

The Final Scene Breakdown

I think  the weak one of the weak scene for me I think it was very weak is the final scene of the film is where Again, like you know, they're in a car  They're going, he crashes it. The cops are chasing them. They crash,  Nick Cage, his character's injured,  you know?  and then  this, it's not really a big reveal, but you know, the driver ends up killing, shooting down the two cops. 

You know? 

Yeah. The driver, he shoots those two cops and then admits to Nick Cage. He is the person who killed his daughter. 

Yeah. He, yeah. He admits it and his wife, you know, and his wife,  and then he slowly, you know, begins to kill in a cage. Like he just tells him, yeah, I'm the person you were looking for this whole entire time, you know, was 


And I'm thinking, I'm the boogeyman 

and I'm thinking you Nick Cage is dying right here. This whole time. If you knew. You could have taken this person out.  And like here, here's this guy and you could see the driver look into the person, look in Nick Cage's eyes and like being so for like, you knew who I was the entire time and moments you could have killed me,  but you just dragged it out.

Now you die. And 

now you're dying. 

Yeah. I would say that. Yeah. Another weak spot is that.  

Plot Holes and Weak Points

It, the movie is just dull.  It's dull. It's a lot of dialogue, unnecessary dialogue.  I think there's,  I saw the people reviewing it saying it's like collateral. I think there are some movies where that makes sense because it feels like you're invested in the characters and in the stakes, but you don't feel particularly invested in either character.

And what's more is it is just a lot of dialogue,  then murder and then dialogue and then murder. And you're like, huh, okay. And when it comes out at the end that he is the guy he was looking for and he kills Nick Cage, it just feels anticlimactic. You're like, I mean, we kind of already figured that. And Nick Cage kind of thought you might die cause you were taking too long.

So, It just wasn't, it was just dull followed by like,  you know, when a balloon is running out of air, that's what the ending felt like. It just,  and just 

Nick Cage is like the worst hit man or killer in this 

movie. Yeah. He was absolutely not. 

Because as like he drug, he dragged it out so long.  If, if you were the best at what you did and this is how you, you know, get your, Your revenge or the, you know, the,  what's the term? 

revenge is the best served dish. Served cold. I think that's. Yeah.  He,  his dish was served warm. Like he let that sit for a long, for too long, 

for too long.  

Comparisons to Other Films

And  I guess you could say there's a little bit of hint like I guess Dexter undertone because we also get like of like he is a killer but also wants to live a simple life and like he has a well 

he was I think he was in a crime mob so or when a crime family crime whatever he was affiliated with a crime group and I think that he just wanted out of it.

So I wouldn't necessarily say he's like Dexter where he feels like a compulsion to kill, but he's definitely a killer. 

Yeah, he's definitely a killer, but he's like, you know, at the end convincing himself that he, we get the name,  finally a name. 

Was it Dan David? Something like that. Yeah. 

The name of the person that, you know, who he, who he is not the killer that he's been, you know, told that he is, but the actual Life of the person that he's living.

And he's like telling himself, I am blah, blah, blah. You know, I'm this person. I'm this person. So, he's 

also like, but. My first child died. So in a way I was punished for my crimes that evens out. Is basically kind of what it felt like. He was saying to Nick cage, which  how  it's like. I killed your kid, but my kid died.

So. So we're even. No, that's not the same thing. That doesn't, that doesn't make an eye for 

an eye. He, he literally 

was trying to say an eye for an eye, but it's not the same thing because he killed that man's child and his child died.  like other causes. So 

I just thought that was funny where he's like, you just, yeah, he just said he just use a logic.

A knife for an eye, you know, it worked out. So I don't even know why you're coming after me. Yeah. Like he gets your balance. 

Scales are bounce. He should just let me be, or he should just killed me. And it's like, okay. The scales are not balanced, but yeah, he should've just killed you honestly. Yeah. Cause now he dead. 

He's big time dead.  I think the other thing too, for me is that I know the guy who plays the driver is as a good as a decent actor. I just felt like  meh  about him in this. At least Nick Cage was outrageous. 

I think that's, I think that's supposed to be the 

point. I 

think that's what we got was that because he, you mentioned earlier, he was supposed to be like meek and timid and kind of be like.

You know,  

not cause attention to himself cause a cause 

attention to himself. And it wasn't until like the last minute where he had no other recourse. And he's like, okay, this is what I am. Cause there's another movie that's kind of like that.  and there's been other movies that have like 


Is it collateral? Was that the one with Tom Cruise? 

No, there's another movie with the actor,  who from the actor who plays,  Aragon from one of the rings. There's another movie that's like that where he's like the neighborless next door. He's like the nice guy,  but then he turns out he's actually a hit man.

I have no idea. 

Yeah, we'll have to look, we'll look it up later. But there's been  stories like that of film where it's the person who's like in the suburb who's like appears nice, but they have like a different story and then You know, when shit hits the fan is when they, you know, show their true colors.

And like, we didn't know who you were this person this whole time. You know, we 

didn't know you were a murderer. 

Yeah, we didn't know this. 

OK, it's hard to know that about your neighbors.  But let me tell you, when the Green River Killer was caught, Gary Ridgway, everyone up in our town was like, that dude was fucking weird. 

so say what you want.  Sometimes you do know.  But yeah, I guess the whole point was for him to appear meek.  

Yeah,  but now, I mean,  as you can tell, the movie had a lot of  weak areas. I think the shining point was like just Nick Cage.  

Expectations vs. Reality

It could have been the writing  The title threw me off because I thought it was gonna be like a supernatural element to the movie 

I thought it was gonna be Satan and I was really excited by that idea of drive him driving around Satan  Wouldn't that be a kick?

That would have been a hell more interesting than what the hell we were watching. Yeah, 

because that would have been interesting. Like him, getting, the devil getting in his backseat and then the devil like going over his life and like trying to convince him like, Oh yeah, I know everything about you and then like, What?

And then like,  bringing up all the sins and all the things he's done. and just having him go to all these different locations 

and relive his, relive his life and also be like, do you think you deserve to go to hell or do you think you deserve to go to heaven? 

Made a deal. He goes, I didn't make no deal. He goes, you did. You, you said it.  I'm here to collect.  

I'm here to some, something like that. I 

thought it like that. And then Nick Cage is the person that comes out and goes, I'm here to collect. 

I'm here to collect. You lived an okay life. Now I'm here to collect.


but it wasn't like that at all. Cause I got my hopes up. Cause the trailer, this is.  I've learned after watching a lot of these Nic Cage movies is that never trust the trailer because the trailers for these films or just in movies in general are cut in such a way for the film to be interesting and then when we watch the movie the movie could be meh. 


Because the knowing was like that. 

Yeah, actually the knowing was like that and I thought the knowing would be good as well and then it was just like.  


and the crazy thing that gets me is there are tons of people sitting Making this movie and you've got no point did anyone think I don't know.

This is not very good  Like it it just happened and I think there could have been more foresight or or thought just a little more thought put into it  Potentially cut some of the frickin dialogue make some different choices I don't know. It, it,  it was, we've seen, Nick Cage has been in a lot of movies, so some are gonna be dead soon.

Bats and I think we've seen quite a few duds. 

Yeah we've seen quite a few. But this wasn't 

even an enjoyable dud. This was just dull. It wasn't like even a dud because it was bad. It just was boring.  It was boring. 


Reading User Reviews

Which is gonna lead us to where our next segment where we  talk and read reviews. From letterbox from users who've given their own opinions about the film and their rate  So  i'm gonna go first.


So here is Lisa  her review is Well, this was some worthless piece of shit. 

Wow, okay. Boring. No, no holding back there, Lisa.  She came right for it, huh? 

Boring, meaningless, bad, and total waste of my time. I saw it for Nick Cage, but not even him could make this movie slightly entertaining. 2. 7. Don't watch.

And she gave it one star. 

Oh, what was the 2. 7? 

I, I assume she changed her rating afterwards. Like,  

I think you can't with the star rating. You can't give it. She gave it a  one star, but she probably wanted to give it a 2. 7.  

That's weird. 

Oddly enough, she follows the R. Letterboxd Podcasting. So 

she does.

Yeah, give her a shout 

out. So shout out to Lisa.  

Shout out Lisa  Good  Why not give us your real opinions? Give us your 

real opinions?  

mine is from Fatness Everdeen.  Not exactly a fan of the  Fatness name, but you know what? Good on you trying to do a pun.  they gave it two and a half stars and they said, Biggest twist is about 20 minutes in when Nick Cage mentions Boston, and you realize that is the accent he's doing. 

I totally forgot about it. Yeah, 

I forgot about it, so I read the review too. He did have an accent in the film, and I was once again reminded of his Con Air accent, which was also not good.  


like, there's so many choices, Nick Cage. You were doing so many things.  he's trying to do a Boston accent. We could spot he's trying to do one of those.

That's like me trying to do it for for you now. It's not good 

No, no,  my second one's gonna be from username J money 18 

chain money 18 

Nick Cage was absolutely crazy Phenomenal in this he carried the movie through its overall muddled plot. It's crazy plot But his acting and everything made it worth watching.

It was insane. LOL, three and a half stars. 

Wow. That's a really positive review. I think Nick Cage could do better. I'd like to, I'd like to applaud him for getting the money for hustling for his bag, for getting the check. And then also say Nick Cage. Maybe raise the bar a little  Like he was in Redfield last year.

That was a good but he that was him doing a great role I thought he did great at that and and the what is it the impossible? Baron  Baroness of a likeness of whatever The where he plays himself. That was hilarious, too  So he's been some good ones and then he's been in some duds and I'm like, come on.

Come on a cage  and then Okay, this one is from Jordan,  Beaumont, and something else, and I'm sorry, I cut off your name.  but, he, or they, excuse me, gave it two stars, and they said, Like purchasing the world's finest caviar and using it to salt your spaghetti water. And that's pretty much how I feel like getting a really, really, really, really  expensive thing like Nick Cage coming all out full character.

And then it's just, well,  it's just,  why, why did you wait? Why did you waste that here? Like, 

I was going to pick it, but I was like, like, that's too rich for my blood. It's too rich for 

your blood. Okay. Well, yeah, I picked it. I was wondering if you were going to pick the other one about the Boston accent. No, 

no, I,  I was actually gonna say that as one of like the weak points because like I didn't know he had and I didn't know if he started with an accent like he talked normal And then he picked an accent halfway through the movie.

Yeah. Like I'm pretty certain that accent is not consistent because I don't think he starts with an accent, but I do think that,  that he has an accent at some point,  which is  The funniest thing to not even be able to recall if someone has an accent. I think I have a pretty distinct voice it sounds high in my head.

I know that I have a distinct cadence  so I feel like it's memorable. And I can't even remember if Nick Cage's accent was consistent, which means it probably wasn't. 

Maybe he made a choice that I'm gonna play a different character now. 

Yeah. I'm a, this is me when I'm mad, I'm going to have an accent. Cause I'm, I'm, I'm wicked mad or however, however, it's,


Final Thoughts and Wrap-Up

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